Someone please tell me how we got to the point where the most liberal democrat in Washington is dangerously close to being elected? Someone needs to point out to Senator Obama that although he wants to only tax those who make over $250,000 (or is it $200,00? He keeps changing) That those are the people with small businesses that create Jobs!!!! When has anyone ever gotten hired by a poor person? Why is it the government's job to redistribute wealth? If poor people want to become wealthy tell them to stop making stupid decisions with their life, stop living off the government and go out and GET A JOB. Of course they may not be able to find one after Obama taxes business so much they start laying people off.
And did you know that Mr. Pro Choice voted 3 times against a bill that mandated hospitals take care of babies that survive abortions? One nurse testified that she saw babies taken to the hospital's "soil room" to die. The child was left in a dirty nasty room for hours until he/she finally couldn't hold out any more. One baby survived for more than 8 hours struggling to breath. Abortion is murder. There is no way around it. As soon as that child is conceived God has a plan for him/her. And because the child is an inconvenience to the parents murder becomes legal. Please tell me why we are aborting our babies and making it so hard for people to adopt unwanted children that perspective parents find it easier and cheaper to go to Russia or China to adopt a baby. I was asked once how, as a woman, I couldn't be pro-choice. Because, "as a woman" I am also a mother - and being a mother gives you a whole different perspective when a child is being hurt. I can't stand it. Just because that child is still in the womb doesn't make it less of a child - that's just location. That's like saying I'm going to move to Canada and become a monkey.
One last point.....I believe that most people are voting for Barak Obama because he is different. He looks different and he talks of change - and people want change. I understand that, but I don't think they are really looking at the issues to understand what kind of change they are going to bring. I heard one woman on the radio say she was voting for Obama because she likes the way he ran his campaign. UUUGGHH that is so frustrating - GET EDUCATED PEOPLE!!! Stop voting for the pretty, smooth talking candidates and really look and what you are doing.
Okay, I'm done for now. I'm sure I offended a whole slew of people out there. But it's my there!
1 comment:
AMEN!! Preach it sister!
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