For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


It's not even Christmas yet, and I'm already plotting out my plans and resolutions for 2010. The usual checklist of to-do's is always there; 1) lose weight 2) spend more time with the kids 3) read more books,etc. etc. They stay there every year because, inevitably like most people, I'm resolution-determined for about3 months. By April I'm eating whatever I want and yelling at the kids for interrupting my favorite TV show. I sometimes mix it up a bit and throw in something different. My favorite was when I was going to learn something new everyday. And with the power of Google - it was definitely possible. But Alas, that too went by the way-side. Some would wonder why I make resolutions at all? What's the point if it is a grave certainty that I will eventually fail. But If I can say nothing else for myself, I am persistent in my pursuit of self-improvement - I just don't want it to inconvenience my comfortable life. I really would like to be skinny, have well-behave children, and be able to have deep discussions in my non-existent book club about the significance of the color purple. - But my persistence to continually start something new does not come with a side of self-control. This year my new-year's resolution is to keep my resolution. In order to accomplish this I must think small. For example, I could resolve to not put mayonnaise on my sandwiches - If I do that for a whole year, maybe I could step up to cutting out cheese in 2011 - I could reach my goal weight just in time for TJ's high school graduation.
But ultimately whatever I resolve will not matter as much as the endless chase of pure contentment with myself. "The thrill of the chase", as they say, and I shall "enjoy the ride" - and any other cliche I can think of that will make me feel better about spending a very long time reaching my goals.

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