For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Monday, January 18, 2010

All is well....

I'm not sure what just happened.  I put my boys to bed exactly seven minutes ago, and I think they are both asleep.  Can it be?  MY boys?  This must be a record.  TJ and Chris usually make a sport out of torturing Mom at bed time. I would not be surprised if the two of them huddle-up and take bets  to see how far they can push me before I blow my lid. 
Most nights I feel like I'm living in an episode of the Super Nanny.  I stand in the middle of the boys bedroom watching TJ use the closet shelf as monkey bars and Chris doing somersaults off the bed and wonder "How did I completely loose control in 30 seconds?"  That's all it takes.  We are normally a nice civilized family.  After dinner the boys can be found quietly playing hotwheels or doing homework.  But then I dare to say those two words  "BED TIME" and the reaction is instantaneous.  I'm convinced that before I left the hospital with my baby boys one of the nurses hypnotized them to immediately turn into lunatics when they hear thoses two words.  It's like a switch has been flipped and it doesn't get turned off until they pass out from pure exhaustion.  This nurse must have also found a way for it to only work with my voice - because I get reports from babysitters and grandparents that the boys "were angels" for them. 
So tonight I will sit here in my quiet house with my sleeping boys and savor every minute until Tom gets home.  What shall I do?  Read?  Take a bath?  Nope.  Think I'll go to bed.  Good Night, it's Bed Time.

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