For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, August 24, 2008


I've been doing a lot of thinking much so that Tom has asked me to please stop thinking because I'm making his head hurt. But through all this thinking and praying I've come to a few realizations or "revelations" as I call them......

Revelation #1 - My career goals do not end with me running an office at a Recreation Center. One morning, while lying in bed and saying my "good-morning God - help me get out of bed" prayer - it suddenly became clear that I was to go back to school and become a Kindergarten teacher. And when I say "suddenly' I mean "SUDDENLY"!! I have never showed the least bit of interest in teaching. I've always had a lot of respect for teachers...its a job that takes a lot of patience and hard work, without always seeing the rewards. But after a lot of praying...and panicking....I decided this was where I should be heading. Let the quest begin!!! Okay God, now what???? "Well", I thought, "what does it take to go back to school?' MONEY!!! Okay, I've got none of that. Where do I start? This is what lead to my second revelation....

Revelation #2 - I am a financial idiot. I have no idea how to control mine or my husband's spending habits, I love instant gratification and I make stupid decisions because of that. If there were such thing, I would be president of the FIA - Financial Idiots Anonymous. I can now stand up and say, "My name is Karin Condame - and I'm a financial idiot. God works in mysterious ways, when I had finally come to terms that his plan for me was to teach, I got a letter a few days later from my roommate in college. She had just gone through an awful year of buying a restaurant and nearly going bankrupt because of it. She was told about Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University and managed to pay off $13,000 worth of credit card debt in just few months. I was interested in how she did that so I went to library and got his book "The Total Money Makeover" after the 1st chapter, I had come realize that if I ever wanted to go back to school I needed to stop living paycheck to paycheck and mostly stop blaming everything else for our bad spending habits. It's not the restaurant, it's not the child support, it's not because our cars keep breaking down - those things don't help, but if we had a sensible plan and budget to begin with those problems wouldn't seem so bad. Taking responsibility and admitting I have a problem is the first step...right? So now were on a road to financial recovery.

Those were my two big revelations. I think that's enough "revealing" for now. Tom can't handle anymore changes. He's truly afraid that tomorrow I'm going to decide we need to pick up and move to Alaska or something. No Alaska for me...I'm too busy staring at excel spreadsheets and obsessing over the $2 I went over-budget grocery shopping last week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, You really did catch up. I love reading your "revelations". You go girl!!! The pictures are wonderful. The Middle Bass sunset is spectacular!
